Single Moms - How Do They Do It?

by - October 01, 2019

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Being a single Mom while trying to run a household has more than enough stress, let alone than when something breaks down. In my opinion, most Single Moms running a household accomplish more in one day, than most Men do in a week.

I am not trying to be prejudice towards Men because, after all I happen to be one. However, it amazes me at how much many single Mothers get accomplished in a day. Not only do many of them hold down full time jobs, but they also need to take care of their family as well. Usually their day starts off getting up early. Then feed the kids breakfast, pack their lunches, and get them off to school. All of this must accomplished before going to work herself. By then, I would be spent, and ready for a well deserved beer.

However for many single mothers their day is only beginning. After getting the kids dressed, fed and off to school hopefully there will be a few moments for herself before going to work. I bet that as hard as kids can be in the mornings, going to work would seem like a break to me.

After working all day she now must make sure the kids have arrived home from school safely, then cook and feed them dinner. Hopefully her kids are old enough to help clean up the kitchen. Next she will make sure there are plenty of clean clothes and, the kids have been bathed for the next school day. After dinner there is homework to get done. Plus whenever there is time, she must squeeze in grocery shopping, paying bills plus countless other duties I can't begin to think of. Many kids also have after school activities such as Sports, Band etc? Honestly, I have no clue how they do it.

I suppose if I was put in the same situation I could somehow find the strength to do it all but, I have my doubts. I find it hard enough to complete most tasks let alone, trying to raise a family on my own.

I grew up in a household with a Single Mom and although at the time I did not realize it, My Mother did a lot more than I ever gave her credit for. I wished she would have lived long enough for me to really show how much I appreciated what she did.

While I was growing up, one of things that would frustrate my Mother the most was when something need repair around the house. This literally would drive Mom nuts. This usually put my Mother in a bad mood and there was a lot of extra stress in the household until whatever it was that needed fixing had be dealt with.

I often analyzed this, and wondered why a plugged drain in a bathroom which we hardly used would bother her so much. Certainly we could all share one bathroom! Later in life I realized the frustrations she felt was because of the lack of knowledge, when it came to home repairs.

Usually not wanting to hire a contractor, she often depended on a married so called boyfriend to fix things for her. My Mother became a widow at a young age and I am sure she felt victimized. Life dealt her a tough blow ,and I was very young at the time so I was not much help. I often wondered if she compromised herself just to get things done or, did she really have any real interest in this guy. Back then there were not many resources for Women to learn as there are today and it was still a "Man's world" so to say.

In the last decade there has been an increase in the number of Single Women who are beginning to take on even more. Many Women today are learning how to repair the many common items around the house. Taking on challenges that were once thought of as "The Man's Work" is now becoming status quo. By educating themselves in these areas, Women are becoming stronger and more self confident. Even the media today portrays this on a regular basis and Single Women have become a new target market for advertisers.

"You've Come a Long Way Baby" was a phrase that maybe was ahead of it's time, But Not Anymore!

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